Once you click on any response in the Submission Table, a dedicated side panel will open up. In the header of the submissions view you’ll be able to see the name of the respondent and their email (if these fields were enabled in the interview). If not you’ll just see ‘Anonymous’ for the user name and no email will be included.

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If you click on the up and down chevrons in the submissions side panel, you’ll also be able to cycle up and down through the respondents without having to leave that view.

Finally, you can close the side panel by clicking on the close icon or just clicking outside of the side panel itself.


By default, this will open up on the Analysis view of the interview. The analysis is made up for the following sections:

Note that you can scroll down on either the Analysis if there is information below the fold. You can also cycle between quotes using the horizontal tabs by clicking on the left and right chevrons.

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The Transcript is the raw data showing exactly what was said during the interview. You’ll clearly see the AI messages in regular font with AI avatar beside it. The respondent messages are highlighted in bold with the profile avatar beside it.

Note that you can scroll down on the Transcript to see all messages.