If you signed up by email, you need to first enter your name before progressing to the workspace creation step. If you signed up through Google, we’ll automatically pull your name and move you to the second step below.

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Next you’ll need to choose a unique name for your workspace. As you enter the name of the workspace, we’ll create a slug which will represent the unique URL for your organisation.

NB: We recommend that you pick the name of your company here as this will be shown later in the app on some public facing pages (eg the welcome page). This way, the respondents will know who it is exactly they are responding to.

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The last step in onboarding is to invite any colleagues to your workspace. Just enter their email(s) and click on continue or press enter. You can skip this step if you’d like.

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Congratulations! You are now all set to start building AI-led conversations with Arro 😃